Rabu, 30 November 2016

The reason this Weight After Giving Up -

The reason this Weight After Giving Up -
While most expectant mother will gain weight quite dramatically. Maternal weight gain during pregnancy is a common thing for their baby in the stomach and also the amniotic fluid. However, obesity is unhealthy. Unfortunately, most mothers find it difficult to lose weight after giving birth.

In a survey, nearly 75 percent of women feel even higher weight after giving birth than before pregnancy.

A survey of 774 women from the middle to the bottom in the US it was found that one third of women before pregnancy had normal weight become overweight or obese changes one year after delivery.

In general, women who have experienced an increase in body posture little extra weight reached more than 9 kg. Meanwhile, about 47 percent of weight gained 5 kg.

In the US, the problem of weight gain in women starting at a young age with 35 percent of women aged over 20 years are overweight and obese. The problem of obesity since the last few years have indeed become pandemic in the country.

And experts say obesity that occurs after childbirth can be caused by uncontrolled diet. It is often not realized because they think pregnant women during pregnancy "" eat for two "."

Pregnant women are actually quite add about 300-400 calories if they contain a single baby. Although pregnant women are not advised to restrict his diet, but the selection of healthier eating patterns should be considered.

Weight loss after having a baby had to be done gradually because mothers still breastfeed. too strict diet can reduce milk production. Pay particular attention to keep moving actively and a balanced diet to lose weight faster.

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Rabu, 02 November 2016

Toxic Coffee Case, Dad Mirna: Later All Will be Revealed Law-crime

Toxic Coffee Case, Dad Mirna: Later All Will be Revealed Law-crime
Generous Jakarta- Salihin, the victim's father Wayan Mirna Salihin, please assess the defendant's attorney Jessica Kumala Wongso defend the interests of his clients in the Central Jakarta District Court. However, all will be revealed in the trial. Prosecutor calls have one gun evidence in the form of video footage if Jessica poison her.
Legal counsel is entitled to do that (defense), but the important evidence, said the benefactor, at the Central Jakarta District Court, Jalan Bungur Besar, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (15/6).
Generous is said, the prosecution will prove that Jessica is an actor Mirna killer. We alone will prove. That important legal facts. It will be given a look at the video of Jessica will be poisoned. If for example, he wants what so be it, he was right. It's state law. All will be revealed, he said.
Generous also not concerned with the amount of the attorney who defended Jessica. We still want legal counsel 50 also does nothing, he said.
Philanthropists who wore a white shirt came into the courtroom I PN Kartika Central Jakarta, around 10.45 pm, and colleagues. He immediately sat down in a pew visitors left, and appeared to seriously pay attention to the proceedings.
Bayu Marhaenjati / WBP


Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Petani Jual Emas untuk Modal Garap Sawah


Petani Jual Emas untuk Modal Garap Sawah

BANDAR LAMPUNG, Harga emas di Bandar Lampung pekan ini masihlah bertahan tinggi sehingga banyak warga yang jual perhiasan emasnya untuk penuhi keperluan mendekati musim tanam padi.   Sejumlah warga waktu jual perhiasan emasnya di Bandar Lampung, Selasa (17/11), menyampaikan kalau mereka jual perhiasannya lantaran perlu cost untuk memproses sawahnya serta beli pupuk. Menurut Kamila (39), warga Sukarame, ia jual perhiasan emasnya untuk penuhi keperluan waktu mulai menanam padi, terlebih beli pupuk.   Emas di jual buat beli pupuk serta persediaan waktu memproses tempat sawah, terlebih harga emas saat ini masihlah tinggi, kata dia. Hal yang seirama juga disebutkan oleh Ramlan, petani yang lain.   Ia mengakui jual emasnya waktu harga nya masihlah tinggi hingga bisa penuhi cost pemrosesan tanah, terlebih beli pupuk. Beberapa pedagang emas menyampaikan, penjualan emas mendekati musim tanam condong bertambah.   Minat orang-orang untuk beli emas rendah, semakin banyak warga yang jual emasnya untuk cost pemrosesan tempat sawah serta pembelian pupuk, kata satu diantara yang memiliki toko emas di Pasar Bambu Kuning Bandar Lampung, Ferdy.   Meski sekian, beberapa pedagang mengatakan, harga emas relatif stabil lantaran ikuti harga di pasar internasional serta gerakan nilai rupiah pada dollar AS. Harga emas condong bertahan pada harga terlebih dulu. Emas berkadar 22 karat meraih Rp 280. 000 per gr. Yang membedakan harga emas yaitu biaya membuatnya serta penambahan jenis perhiasan emas tersebut, kata pelayan toko emas di Pasar Tengah, Sri.

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Air Kelapa, Isotonik Alami


Air Kelapa, Isotonik Alami

Sepanjang bln. puasa, air kelapa adalah minuman penyegar yang paling banyak di cari untuk berbuka puasa. Terkecuali beri kesegaran, nyatanya air kelapa adalah minuman isotonik alami. Menurut Tubuh Pertanian Dunia (FAO), air kelapa muda dapat dipakai sebagai minuman penambah daya alami. Hal semacam ini lantaran air kelapa kaya potasium (kalium), gula, serta protein. Dengan cara alami, air kelapa muda memiliki komposisi mineral serta gula yang prima, hingga serupa dengan cairan badan manusia. Tidak sama dengan minuman isotonik dalam paket yang beresiko apabila dikonsumsi asal-asalan, air kelapa relatif aman untuk dikonsumsi. Karenanya, bila Anda banyak lakukan aktivitas yang kuras keringat, minumlah air kelapa muda seperlunya untuk ganti cairan badan yang hilang. Tetapi, butuh di ketahui kalau sekali di buka serta di keluarkan dari tempurungnya, air kelapa gampang sekali alami pergantian cita rasa serta penurunan nilai gizi. Supaya manfaat dari air kelapa tidak hilang, tambah baik minum air kelapa fresh yang baru di buka dari tempurung. Minumlah tanpa ada kombinasi apapun, seperti sirop. Berikan saja es batu serta sedikit gula supaya kesegarannya makin merasa.