Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

3 bericht belangrijk arts eerste Trimester zwangerschap om gezond te blijven

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3 bericht belangrijk arts eerste Trimester zwangerschap om gezond te blijven


Jakarta, handhaven zwangerschap om gezond te blijven is absoluut gedaan voor elke aanstaande moeder, zelfs haar vader. Nou, voor een moeder zwanger in het eerste trimester van de zwangerschap, had de dokter een boodschap voor de zwangerschap blijft gezond. Als Word die een gespecialiseerde divisie van Verloskunde en Gynaecologie Fetomaternal RSU Dr. Sutomo Surabaya, Dr. Khanisyah Erza Gumilar, SpOG, er zijn drie dingen die is goed niet gedaan een zwangere jonge moeder die waar hun onderwerpen onder de leeftijd van drie maanden. Wat is het? Eerst niet op en neer van de trap. Indien het Bureau op de tweede verdieping o naik-turunnya eenmaal per dag, dat wil zeggen de ochtend of middag is, zei Dr. Erza wanneer praten met onlangs. Hij beschrijft de rit naar beneden trappen is een van de activiteiten in verband met de bekken holte. Dus dat zij kan manipuleren en triggers contracties van de foetus in de baarmoeder. Het tweede ding is de moeder gevraagd doen niet het opheffen van zware ladingen, hoewel de grootte van het gewicht op elke persoon anders is. Want het is niet mogelijk, niet wanneer het doen van inspannende activiteit, de moeder in gevaar van ervaren van een miskraam. Lees ook: de verklaring achter zwanger 'Ngebo' en ernstige misselijkheid terwijl zwanger MudaKetiga als u wilt een voorwaarde van moeders hebben sex hoeft niet een probleem. Als de activiteit van seks dan zou kunnen belastend cervicale manipulatie blijken zodat die contracties veroorzaken, verbinding maken artsen die ook praktijken RS onderwijs Airlangga Universiteit. Dr. Erza toegevoegd, op zwangere vrouwen die willen om seks te hebben, de positie van de meeste goede is de vrouw bovenop aka de vrouw bovenop. Met deze positie kunt de vrouw instellen een ritme toen hij voelde comfortabel of ongemakkelijk. Andere dingen, doen het niet ejaculeren binnen, in theorie is het zo. Omdat de zaadcellen prostaglandines dat is een stimulator voor het begin van de samentrekkingen van de baarmoeder, zei Dr. Erza. Dus voor echtparen die willen om seks te hebben wanneer zwanger, bewust te zijn van geleidelijk gebeurt, volledige verantwoordelijkheid en passende omstandigheden van zwangere vrouwen. Hij geeft voorbeelden van wanneer zwangere vrouwen een geschiedenis van hart-en vaatziekten hebben dan u moet niet vaak genoeg sex hebben. Sorry als er zijn zieke vrouw blijft vaak moe seks vereist zijn. Maar nogmaals, naar elke partner, als het kan nog steeds niet niets, pungkas Dr. Erza. Lees ook: Vergeet niet ja moeder, zwangere jonge ' ' is geen reden om te beperken van de activiteiten (rdn/vit)

Senin, 11 September 2017

Plötzliche Körpergewicht nach unten? Standby-Modus mit dieser Krankheit

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Plötzliche Körpergewicht nach unten? Standby-Modus mit dieser Krankheit


Jakarta, an Menschen, die Probleme mit Zahlen auf die Gewichte Körpergewicht nach unten kann ein Segen gewesen sein. Allerdings muss das Körpergewicht nach unten auf jeden Fall mit einer gesunden Ernährung und Bewegung gekoppelt werden. Wenn der Abstieg durch eine plötzliche und ohne irgendein Argument, müssen Sie irgendeine Krankheit im Leerlauf. Die meisten Krankheiten, die einen Blick aus Notwendigkeit als Körpergewicht nach unten mit einem plötzlichen Weg von ihnen wie z. B. Boldsky, Montag geschrieben werden (27.08.2012): 1. EndokrinPenyebab am häufigsten auftretende Problem des plötzlichen Körper d.h. endokrine Gewichtsprobleme. Endokrine Set Vorteile Agentur. Bei der Arbeit unterbrochen wird, die Agentur würde mehr Kalorien verbrennen, wodurch die Schilddrüse arbeiten auch reichlich was wiederum den Stoffwechsel erhöht und machen Sie die Agentur konnte nicht alle benötigten Nährstoffe aufnehmen. (2) Herzprobleme, Lungen- und GinjalGangguan auf Herz und Lunge sind die Hauptursache für die Abnahme des Körpergewichts. Diese Umstände führen zu einem Mangel an Ressourcen für die Agentur so gut spielt. Danach könnte es zu einem Gefühl der Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Mangel an Protein. Alles ist weiter zu Körpergewicht nach unten führen könnte. (3) InfeksiInfeksi (Innenseite des Körpers) kann nicht groß sowie mehrere am besten nicht einmal anerkannt sein. Diese Infektion zum Beispiel durch einen Pilz, ist das Immunsystem den Körper, aggressiv, was zu einer wachsenden Anzahl von Kalorien zu verbrennen. Einige tolle Infektion erfolgt im Verdauungssystem. 4. KankerSalah eines der ersten Anzeichen von Krebs, nämlich eine Abnahme des Körpergewichts. Tumor (benigne) und bösartig (maligne) absorbiert Nährstoffe aus dem Körper wachsen und tragen als macht. Aufgrund der Nährstoffe durch den Tumor zu konsumieren begann zu wachsen, die Agentur fing an Körpergewicht zu verlieren. Wenn Sie plötzliche Abnahme des Körpergewichts auftreten, also der beste Ausweg nämlich Selekasnya Beratungs- und sah einen Arzt oder ein Krankenhaus. (Mer/Ir)


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Rabu, 06 September 2017

Stay Away From Pregnancy Complications, Pregnant Women May Lose Body Weight?

Stay Away From Pregnancy Complications, Pregnant Women May Lose Body Weight?

Jakarta, add to it the general body weight is indeed facing pregnant women. Although often found pregnant women who are anxious when you add excessive body weight can lead to pregnancy complications. Then, the safe is when mothers attempt to lose body weight throughout the pregnancy? In essence, some great pregnant women with a normal body weight before getting pregnant naturally would the addition of a normal body weight when pregnancy with reference to singleton pregnancies, not the twins, said Dr. Day Nugroho SpOG on Monday (detikHealth 2/6/ 2014). Added Dr. Day, increased maternal body weight pregnant off the beaten path linear time. For instance, the overall increase in nine kg all nine bln. not meaning any bln. up one kg. In three bln. the first increase in body weight of more difficult being on the bln. four to nine additions so add can be striking. All still remain in the corridors of the reference above, the addition of this still remains in the normal range. In terms of maternal obesity is also someone even pregnant not allowed to lose body weight, said doctors who practice in HOSPITALS Dr. Sutomo Surabaya. According to him, if you want lower risk of the disease throughout the pregnancy, both in terms of the mother or the child, good body weight reduction is done before taking the decision to get pregnant. In addition, a nutritionist from the Central Pertamina HOSPITAL Dr. Titi Sekarindah MS, SpGK given on pregnant women not to eat too, cukupi the purposes of protein, vegetable, fruit, and do not forget to drink milk for addition of nutrients all have the content. Good do not reduce consumption of carbohydrates, eat rice must therefore remains the right resources for the metabolism of the body. When you don't want to eat the rice, change with other karbihidrat sources such as potato or pasta main Dodge so that increasing does it weigh is not too much, said dr Titi. To calculate BMI, kuadratkan the high value of the body (in units of the mtr.). Hence the value of the body weight (in kg) divided the results of the nature of the higher body. Well below reference adding body weight pregnant mothers according the same BMI: BMI-18, 5 addition of weight 12 kg-BMI 5-18, 18, 5-24 9, addition of weight 11 kg-BMI 5-16, 25-29, 7-11, weight adding 9 5 kg-BMI of 30 ‰ ¥ â adding weight 5-9 kg (rdn/up)

Jumat, 01 September 2017

Hormones that influence body weight

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Hormones that influence body weight


In Jakarta, some people cannot eat while many obese, as well as such otherwise ada yg can not skinny although desperately limited the number of meals. One that is often forgotten, hormone holds key role in controlling body weight. The content of hormone in the body always switch from time to time. Exception resulted in turn of the situation yesterday (in the mood), it is also at risk of hormonal substitution on the metabolic system affect the power level. Main to remember, turn the hormonal content so dependent on patterns of life. Type the bustle of daily life in a future at risk on the release of specific hormones in the body. Taken from Buzzle, Mon (7/6/2010), hormonal balance is also closely related to the turn of the weight of the body. One example that is most natural female fatness in time age of menopause. Among so many type of hormone, certainly not all of them can lower the body's weight. Below that is the impact of some type of hormones on the weight of the body. Most major Benefits development of hormone hormone development i.e. stimulates the formation of proteins. Many of the proteins that form ensure the ability of the muscles, bones, tendons and bones at risk. Outside it's hormones also play a role in the development of the flurry of exercise. Exception increase fat burning hormone, it also limits the metabolism of sugar. Finally, work out so more efficient in reduce flab. The natural decline in sugar metabolism also make content more blood sugar monitored power level, to keep waking up all the sports. Pregnancy hormones Most people inject the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophic (HCG) as supporting low-fat diet and excessive restrictions on carbohydrates. Research shows, these steps do not give avail because pregnancy hormones that can not lose the weight of the body. Estrogen hormone Hormone estrogen in the womb there is high in the blood of women, and can help the decomposition of flab. Beyond that, estrogen also increase metabolism, protects the mood as well as boost the libido. Natural estrogen would decrease Kedar when women started approaching the time of menopause. Being the release of hormones that the ovaries of growing time sports, as well as its content in the blood would stay high until 4 hours after the rest. Other hormones (Insulin, Epifrin, Tiroxin as well as Endorphins) other hormones to help decrease body weight i.e. insulin, epifrin, tiroxin and endorphins. The higher the rate of release of hormones that effect, namely the addition of the intensity and duration of exercise. But to increase its content, patterns of living an active and healthy certainly must be so option (up/ir)

Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Powerful Kick! Lower body weight with Potato Juice

Minuman Kopi Hijau

Powerful Kick! Lower body weight with Potato Juice


Jakarta, potatoes as well as one of the lucrative vegetables not recommended to be consumed when you do weight loss program central body. But with a little modification, the potatoes could be a powerful weapon to lose body weight. Potatoes contain nutrients such as calcium, potassium and beta-carotene, and can fill up to 10% of the daily fiber requirement. Fibers that could support the removal of solid waste from the body and accelerates fat burning through the digestive system. Beyond that, a study carried out at Arizona State University point out if the potatoes could be a good fat burner because it has vitamin c. Drinking potato juice before eating, can regulate the production of hormones leptin and ghrelin, which affect hunger. The consumption of foods that make You full for longer that is the key to lowering the weight of the body. As taken from the onlymyhealth Sunday (4/11/2012) below steps to lose weight body with the juice of potato: 1. make sure the potatoes segarKentang you specify must be fresh, its has a brown skin color. Do not select an already wilting potato or already overgrown green or white sprouts on it. 2. Make Potato juice kentangCuci clean and cut into sections in order to enter into the juice. You can memeprtahankan the skin of the potato, the highest content of vitamin because even there on her skin. Give honey a natural order that rasa-rasanya better. 3. Drink the juice of potato makanMinumlah potato juice around the previous 2 hours before breakfast and 1/2 hours before dinner. But the potato juice drink after meal also have avail the same health. 4. specify the food sehatMeskipun You've been drinking potato juice daily before meal, these steps will not succeed when you reply unhealthy food consumption such as junk food afterwards. Make sure to consume healthy food after drinking juice and potatoes. (vta/vta)

Minggu, 08 Januari 2017

No Need To Drink Coffee But Lack Of Sleep

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No Need To Drink Coffee But Lack Of Sleep

Jakarta Research finds, that someone who doesn't get enough sleep in a few days, still could not rely on the caffeine to add their awareness.

As reported by from Live Science, Friday (20/6/2016), this research was conducted at 48 participants for five consecutive days only sleep for five hours. Twice a day, the participants taking a placebo or drinking caffeine as much as 200 milligrams, or equal to a cup of great coffee. The study was conducted at random, so the researchers nor the participants don't know what they take.



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In the study, the participants spent a week inside the lab, and drank one (placebo or caffeine) per hour 8 am and 12 pm.

They undergo several examinations mood, drowsiness, staying awake, and the time for the body's reaction,

the authors said the study leader, Tracy Jill Doty, a scientist of biological behaviour of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, Maryland.

The results showed that the group who were given caffeine, have a quick response during the first two days compared with the group who were given a placebo, but not on the last three days. The Group was given a caffeine happier than placebo mengonsusmi.

But after the third night, the two groups were equally unsuccessful in previous tests and experience a decrease in acuity of attention, even though they've been given caffeine.


The results of this research is very important, because caffeine is widely used for sharp sharpness attention while it is in the sleep restriction,

Doty said. Data from this research adds also that the same dose of caffeine will not be enough to prevent drowsiness if you've not slept in enough for several days.