Minuman Kopi Hijau
Powerful Kick! Lower body weight with Potato Juice
Jakarta, potatoes as well as one of the lucrative vegetables not recommended to be consumed when you do weight loss program central body. But with a little modification, the potatoes could be a powerful weapon to lose body weight. Potatoes contain nutrients such as calcium, potassium and beta-carotene, and can fill up to 10% of the daily fiber requirement. Fibers that could support the removal of solid waste from the body and accelerates fat burning through the digestive system. Beyond that, a study carried out at Arizona State University point out if the potatoes could be a good fat burner because it has vitamin c. Drinking potato juice before eating, can regulate the production of hormones leptin and ghrelin, which affect hunger. The consumption of foods that make You full for longer that is the key to lowering the weight of the body. As taken from the onlymyhealth Sunday (4/11/2012) below steps to lose weight body with the juice of potato: 1. make sure the potatoes segarKentang you specify must be fresh, its has a brown skin color. Do not select an already wilting potato or already overgrown green or white sprouts on it. 2. Make Potato juice kentangCuci clean and cut into sections in order to enter into the juice. You can memeprtahankan the skin of the potato, the highest content of vitamin because even there on her skin. Give honey a natural order that rasa-rasanya better. 3. Drink the juice of potato makanMinumlah potato juice around the previous 2 hours before breakfast and 1/2 hours before dinner. But the potato juice drink after meal also have avail the same health. 4. specify the food sehatMeskipun You've been drinking potato juice daily before meal, these steps will not succeed when you reply unhealthy food consumption such as junk food afterwards. Make sure to consume healthy food after drinking juice and potatoes. (vta/vta)